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Acrylic painting on an upcycled piece of display board.


Painting Size 83.5cm x 59.5cm


Painting Description - 

  This one is playing homage to the divine feminine and the ethereal nature of this physical vessel. She shares a direct contact to source and the spiritual realm, she is the bridge between spirit and physicality. New spirits entering this world can create abundant change, new worlds with infinite possibilities. This body is sacred and holy, in her naked form just as much if not more, than when clothed.


 The Angel's on earth are the rebels amongst us, the ones fighting for justice and truth, and this global awakening is being led by the feminine. Those who feel their divine connection to the planet along with all its creatures, the spirits and the ethereal presence around us and our existence. Those with a deep knowing of the evils taking place on our planet and the third eye to see such acts and insights.


 We are going through an ascension process, Mother Gaia is raising in vibration and it is time for all to stand in their divine feminine energies, to honour and bring these sacred vibrations back to our Mother planet. The men and the women on this planet have had their divine feminine natures belittled and stamped out, but it is time to pull these back into ourselves.


 It is ok to be emotional and that is why I honour the feminine energies, allow yourself to feel what needs to be felt; so that you can release it. Currently nothing feels right about what is happening on the planet and the divine feminine asks you not to ignore that intuition or gut knowing, your feelings are necessary to help understand what is spiritually meant for you, and what is not. 


 Women have been put down deliberately, by a system that wishes to strip her of her natural abilities because they fear their demise from these strengths; It takes power to move with love and vulnerability, so do not let fear stop you. They disrespect females sacred sexuality because they want its healing energy all to themselves but this body deserves to be free from oppression. You are a powerhouse stood in your own divinity, do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

The Divine Feminine

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